
autonomic nerves中文什么意思

发音:   用"autonomic nerves"造句
  • 植物性神经
  • autonomic:    adj. 1.自治的。 2.【解剖学】自主的。 3.【植 ...
  • nerve:    n. 1.【解剖学】神经。 2.〔诗〕筋,腱;精力,气力 ...
  • autonomic:    adj. 1.自治的。 2.【解剖学】自主的。 3.【植物;植物学】自发的。
  • nerves:    神经质, 神经紧张
  • autonomic absence:    自主性癫痫小发作; 自主性癫痫孝作
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  1. Survey on relativity study between acupuncture , channels and collaterals and autonomic nerve
  2. Relationship between cardiac autonomic nerve dysfunction and diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes
  3. Autonomic nerve is disorder , see the person at introversion disposition commonly ; eat oaten have a look have the effect
  4. Hemodynamic patterns and changes of autonomic nerve function in patients with cardio - inhibitory vasovagal syncope during tilt - table testing
  5. In order to investigate the relationship between myocardium responsiveness and its firing dynamic states , bilateral vagotomy , m receptor blocking , acetylcholine ( ach ) perfusion and continuously autonomic nerve ending stimulating methods were employed to change the rabbit sinoatrial node ( sa ) firing dynamics . isoprenaline , noradrenalin , ach , sympathetic or vagal nerve ending stimulation was used individually to measure the sa responsiveness in different dynamic state
    3 、窦房结在正常放电状态时,对0卫, 0人0石ug kg异丙肾上腺素的反应性均强于应用阿托品后,前后相比有显著差异( p 0刀5 ) ;待阿托品作用部分消除后,窦房结对异丙肾上腺素的反应性也部分恢复。



        autonomic nervesとは意味:autonomic nerves 自律神経 じりつしんけい
        autonomic nerves meaning:[Medicine] Nerves and plexuses of the autonomic nervous system. The central nervous system structures which regulate the autonomic nervous system are not included.


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  2. autonomic movement 什么意思
  3. autonomic nerve 什么意思
  4. autonomic nerve ending 什么意思
  5. autonomic nerve system 什么意思
  6. autonomic nervous 什么意思
  7. autonomic nervous center 什么意思
  8. autonomic nervous function 什么意思
  9. autonomic nervous system 什么意思
  10. autonomic nervous system disorder 什么意思


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